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Introduction to the Coordinate Plane!

Author: Justin Owens

Introductory Coordinate Plane Video

This is quick and fun intro video to the use of the Coordinate Plane. You have probably used the Coordinate Plane and didn't even know it! Check out Battle Ship!

Intro Coordinate Plane: Review Number Lines and Plotting Points

This video serves as a review of Number Lines, Graphs, Plotting and Locating points on a graph, x and y axis, and ordered pairs. This video Lesson will be followed by lessons that cover Coordinate Plane, Quadrants, origin, plotting and locating points in all quadrants.

Intro to Coordinate Plane Lesson Summary

After you have completed the videos, notes, and quiz, fill out this form and submit before returning to class. This will indicate to me that you have completed your homework.

Review of Number Lines, Axis Origins and Points

This presentation follows the review video where students Review the Number Line, Axis, Origin, and how to locate points on a graph.
