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Introduction to the Flipped Learning Model

Author: Katie Hou
Video Transcript

Notes on “Introduction to the Flipped Learning Model”


(00:00-00:19) Introduction

(00:20-01:17) Flipped Learning

(01:18-02:19) Flipped Classroom

(02:20-04:32) Benefits and Challenges

(04:33-04:54) Reflection

(04:55-05:27) Conclusion

Additional Resources


This website includes tremendous resources for teachers interested in flipping their lessons from infographics, to guidebooks, and examples of flipped learning in action. In particular, scroll down for the Flipped Classroom workbook on the left hand side. This is a great planning resource for teachers considering flipping their instruction.

My Flipped Classroom

This Prezi presentation by Krystal Kirch was created for educators explaining hows and why to flip their lessons. Specific examples of how Kirch flips her classroom are included in the presentation.