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Investments: Performing Operations with Rational Numbers - 7.2 - Lesson 20

Author: Todd Parks

Lesson 20 - Student Outcomes

Student Outcomes

  1. Students perform various calculations involving rational numbers to solve a problem related to the change in an investment’s balance over time.
  2. Students recognize and use mathematics as a tool to solve real-life problems.

Lesson Review

- What role do rational numbers play in solving real-world problems?

Lesson Summary

  • Calculations with rational numbers are used when recording investment transactions. 
  • Deposits are added to an account balance; money is deposited into the account.
  • Gains are added to an account balance, as they are positive returns on the investment.
  • Withdrawals are subtracted from an account balance; money is taken out of the account.
  • Losses are subtracted from an account balance; as they are negative returns on the investment.
  • Fees are subtracted from an account balance; as the bank/financial company is charging you for a service.






Printable Student Lesson 20


Lesson Instructions
