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Island of the Blue Dolphins

Author: Emily Sidden


Look at this to get important background information

Source: Emily Sidden



1. Crevice (n): a barrow opening resulting from a split or crack.

2. Headland (n): a point of usually high land  jutting out in a body of water

3. Pelt (n): the removed skin of a furry or woolly animal

4. Spring (n): a source of water flowing out of the earth

5. Stern (adj.): harsh or severe in manner

6. Vow (v): to promise solemnly

7. Banks (n): mounds, piles, or ridges

8. Glimpse (n): brief look

9. Hasten (v): to move quickly

10. Horizon (n): line where earth and sky meet

11. Reproachfully (adv.): in a disapproving manner

12. Snares (n): traps

13. Victor (n): winner

14. Wreckage (n): broken and disordered parts from a wreck

15. Clamor (n): loud, continuous noise

16. Lure (n): bait, thing that attracts

17. Mourning (n): feeling of sorrow after a death

18. Omen (n): sign of something good or bad to come

19. Pitch (n): dark, sticky substance from trees or other plants, used for water proofing or for plugging holes

20. Reef (n): low ridge of rocks, sand, or coral that rises above the surface of a body or water

21. Rival (n): one who competes with another

22. Scarce (adj.): hard to find; few in number

23. Swarm (n): large number of things in busy motion

24. Cormorant (n): a sea bird

25. Kelp (n): large seaweed plants

26. Toyon (n): a common perennial shrub

27. Mesa (n): an elevated area of land with a flat top and sides that are usually steep cliffs

28. White bass (n): a type of fish

29. League (n): 1 mile is about the same as 0.3 leagues


Chapters 1-4 Questions

Answer the following questions after reading the chapters


Source: Emily Sidden

Chapters 5-8 Questions

Answer the following questions after reading the chapters


Source: Emily Sidden

Chapters 9-11 Questions

Answer the following questions after reading the chapters


Source: Emily Sidden

Chapters 12-15 Questions

Answer the following questions after reading


Source: Emily Sidden

Chapters 16-19 Questions

Answer the following questions after reading


Source: Emily Sidden

Chapters 20-23

Answer the following questions after reading


Source: Emily Sidden

Chapters 24-27 Questions

Answer the following questions after reading


Source: Emily Sidden

Chapters 28-29 Questions

Answer the following questions after reading


Source: Emily Sidden

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