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Author: Sophia

what's covered
This tutorial explores the needs to join tables together in various SQL statements in two parts:
  1. Inner Joins
  2. Outer Joins

1. Inner Joins

Up to this point, all the SQL statements we’ve been querying have been using a single table. However, databases really start to shine when we can join the data in tables together. Joins are done when you combine data from two or more tables, linking them through common attributes. There are different types of joins, including natural joins, equijoin, outer join, cross join and self joins, that we will work through in upcoming tutorials.

Let's first create two tables for representatives and departments. The common attribute between the two tables is the representative_id from the representative table and the manager_id in the manager table. Notice that in this case, the two column names are different from one another but linked through the primary key.

CREATE TABLE representative ( representative_id INT PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR (30) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR (30) NOT NULL );

CREATE TABLE department ( department_id INT PRIMARY KEY, department_name VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL, manager_id INT, constraint fk_manager FOREIGN KEY (manager_id) REFERENCES representative (representative_id)

INSERT INTO representative (representative_id, first_name, last_name)
VALUES (1, 'Bob','Evans'), (2, 'Tango','Rushmore'), (3, 'Danika','Arkane'), (4, 'Mac','Anderson');

INSERT INTO department (department_id, department_name,manager_id)
VALUES (1, 'Sales', 1), (2, 'Marketing', 3), (3, 'IT', 4), (4, 'Finance', null), (5, 'Support', null);

In looking at the data, we can see that Tango Rushmore is not a manager of a department, and the Finance and Support departments do not yet have a manager.

We can represent this data through the use of a Venn diagram, where the left circle represents the data from the representative table and the right circle represents the data from the department table:

Venn Diagram Graphic

Individually, the data looks like the following:

Query Result Example

Query Result Example

If we had the same column name in the two tables, we could complete a natural join, which you will learn more about soon. Instead, we can complete an inner join by identifying the column name. The basic inner join between the two tables should look like the following:

FROM representative
JOIN department
ON representative.representative_id = department.manager_id;

We will get into the specifics of the syntax in later tutorials. With this inner join, we find that the data in the representative_id column in the representative table matches the department’s manager_id. There should be three that match:

Query Result Example

The Venn diagram below illustrates the inner join:

Venn Diagram Graphic

This is the most common type of join, as we typically want to be able to identify where data between two or more tables matches.

2. Outer Joins

The OUTER join allows us to get data that may not fully match between two tables:

Venn Diagram Graphic

Query Result Example

We may want to use a left join to find data that exists in both tables, but also data in the left table that does not match. This Venn diagram illustrates a left join.

Venn Diagram Graphic

Query Result Example

We may also want to find data that exists in the left table, but does not match with data in the right table. This would be considered a left outer join:

Venn Diagram Graphic

Query Result Example

Using a right join, we can get the data that exists in both tables, along with the data that does not match from the right table:

Venn Diagram Graphic

Query Result Example

We can also find data that exists in the right table, but does not match with data in the left table, using a right outer join:

Venn Diagram Graphic

Query Result Example

Video Transcript

try it
Your turn! Open the SQL tool by clicking on the LAUNCH DATABASE button below. Then enter in one of the examples above and see how it works. Next, try your own choices for which columns you want the query to provide.

We can use inner and outer joins to link table data together using common attributes.