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La casa

Author: Cinthia Johnson

Link game La casa

Source: purpose games

Quizlet vocabulary

Source: quizlet


1. Present vocabulary.

2. Write your vocabulary for house as well as meanings.

3. Listen to the videos as many times you need.

4. Memorize vocabulary.

5. Practice at home.

Source: Mrs. Solis

Tomar notas (take notes)

Tomar notas (take notes)


Take notes!


1. You need to take notes of all the vocabulary and their meanings as well as any  culture taught in the videos.

2. You can stop and rewind anything you need to as many times as you need to. Isn't that great?

3. Also make sure to write down any questions you might have during the videos.

4. Make sure you read the lesson objective and learning targets so you know what I expect from you.

4. Your goal is NOT trying to understand every single word spoken or written in the videos, so don't get frustrated.

Source: other people and myself

La casa vocabulary

Parts of the House

Los Cuartos the Rooms

el baño the bathroom

el comedor the dining room

el cuarto the room

el dormitorio the bedroom

el pasillo the hallway

la cocina the kitchen

la sala (de estar) the living room

el cuarto de lavar the laundry room

el desván the attic

el garaje the garage

el sótano the basement

la alcoba the bedroom

la habitación the room

la piscina the pool

más de dónde vivimos…

el árbol the tree

el coche the car

el jardín the garden

el piso the floor

el ropero the closet

el suelo the floor

la entrada the entryway

el techo the ceiling

la luz the light

la puerta the door

la salida the exit

la ventana the window

el apartamento the apartment

la casa del perro the doghouse

la cerca the yard

la charca the pond

la chimenea the chimney

la hierba the grass

la llave the key

la pared the wall

la terraza the terrace

las cortinas the curtains

las escaleras the stairs

las flores the flowers

Source: Mrs. Solis

Furnitures vocabulary


Los Muebles The Furniture

el sofá the sofa

el reloj the clock

el teléfono the telephone

la alfombra the rug

la mesa the table

el buzón the mailbox

el sillón the chair

la araña de luz the chandelier

la lavadora the clothes washer

la pintura the painting

la radio the radio

la secadora the clothes dryer

En el Dormitorio in the Bedroom

el armario the closet

la cama the bed

la lámpara the lamp

la silla the chair

la televisión the tv

el estante the bookshelf

la cómoda the dresser

la manta the blanket

la mesita the end table

la sábana the sheet

la almohada the rug

En el Baño In the Bathroom

el excusado the toilet

el inodoro the toilet

la abanica del techo the ceiling fan

la bañera the tub

la ducha the shower

En la Cocina In the Kitchen

la estufa the stove

el fregadero the kitchen sink

el lavaplatos the dishwasher

el microondas the microwave

el refrigerador the refrigerator

la basura the garbage

la cafetera the coffee maker

la comida the food

la nevera the refrigerator

el horno the oven

la tostadora the toaster

los gabinetes the cabinets

los platos the plates

Source: Mrs. Solis

La casa vocabulary

Source: youtube

La casa vocabulary part 2

Source: youtube

Los quehaceres/ chores

Source: youtube

la casa culture ( Honduras)

Source: youtube

la casa culture ( Honduras)

Source: youtube

la casa culture ( Honduras)

Source: youtube

After the la casa in Honduras video

Answer the following questions and send your answers to profe. If you do not have an ipad, write them in a piece of paper. Please be neat and clear otherwise you will have to re-do it.

1. How are the houses in Honduras?

2. What social class do you think will live in these houses?

3. Describe the house you liked the most ( in Spanish). Use TIENE - has to tell me the parts of the house.

4. What are the different between your house and these houses? ( 5-7 difference)

5. What kind of material they used?

6. How much do they cost in dollars? Would you like to live in one like that and why?

Source: me

Flash cards and quiz la casa

Read vocabulary, play games and practice. After you are done doing all this activities, you can take the quiz. Ask profe for assistance. Remember " spelling counts a lot"

Source: quizlet

project La casa

Source: google