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Lenski's Five Types of Society

Author: Paul Hannan

Source: Intro Music by Mark Hannan; Public Domain Images from; Public Domain

Video Transcript
Terms to Know
Agricultural Society

Societies in which people procure their livelihood using animal driven plows and large-scale cultivation.

Horticultural and Pastoral Society

Societies in which people procure their livelihood using hand tools to cultivate crops and domesticated animals.

Hunting and Gathering Society

Societies in which people procure their livelihood through hunting animals with simple tools and gathering naturally occurring vegetation.

Industrial Society

Societies in which people procure their livelihood using machines and advanced sources of energy such as steam, coal, and water.

Post-Industrial Society

Societies in which people procure their livelihood using computer-aided-technology and advanced information processing.

People to Know
Gerhard Lenski

American sociologist who advanced the theory that technology is the most basic driving force in sociocultural evolution.