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Lessons 3.5 Days 1, 2, and 3

Author: Melinda Hollan

3.5 Day 1 PART 1

Part 1 Finding Domain, Vertical Asymptotes, and x-intercepts.

3.5 Day 1 PART 2

Part 2 Finding y-intercepts and Horizontal Asymptotes.

3.5 Day 2

This time we will continue to practice what we learned about finding intercepts and asymptotes. But you will see some different kinds of graphs, too!

3.5 Day 3 (part 1)

Slant Asymptotes? What are those? Watch and you'll find out. :)

3.5 Day 3 (part 2)

Now let’s work “backwards” and write our own rational functions given the horizontal and vertical asymptotes!