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Let's Practice: Pain Assessment and Management

Author: Sophia

Practice Activity 1

Match each question that you would ask to a logical response you might receive from your patient.

You may work through this on your own first and then listen to the audio, or you can do the activity with the corresponding audio.

Nurse's Question Patient's Response
1. ¿Tiene dolor?
2. ¿Dónde siente el dolor?
3. ¿Qué hace empeorar su dolor?
a. Me duele cuando trabajo.
b. Sí.
c. en mi cabeza

Practice Activity 2

Identify the correct picture that represents the Spanish phrase that you hear. Each will be a provoking factor.

As the nurse, imagine you are asking the patient, ¿Qué hace empeorar su dolor? Listen to the patient responses in the audio file and match each of them to the appropriate picture below.

Image Choices
1. File:11187-C5P2Image1.png 2. File:11188-C5P2Image2.png
3. File:11189-C5P2Image3.png 4. File:11190-C5P2Image4.png

Practice Activity 3

Identify the correct picture that represents the Spanish phrase that you hear. Each will be a provoking factor.

As the nurse, imagine you are asking the patient, ¿Qué hace mejorar su dolor? Listen to the patient responses in the audio file and match each of them to the appropriate picture below.

Image Choices
1. File:11190-C5P2Image4.png 2. File:11191-C5P3Image2.png
3. File:11192-C5P3Image3.png 4. File:11193-C5P3Image4.png

Practice Activity 4

Match each English question about the quality of the pain with its Spanish equivalent.

You may work through this on your own first and then listen to the audio, or you can do the activity with the corresponding audio.

English Spanish
1. Is it dull?
2. Is it sharp?
3. Is it burning?
a. ¿Es un dolor agudo?
b. ¿Es un dolor que lo quema?
c. ¿Es un dolor vago?

Practice Activity 5

Match each question that you would ask to a logical response you might receive from your patient.

You may work through this on your own first and then listen to the audio, or you can do the activity with the corresponding audio.

Nurse's Question Patient's Response
1. ¿Lo siente solamente en un lugar?
2. ¿Se irradia a otros lugares?
3. ¿Duele más en un área que en otra?
a. Me duele más aquí.
b. (Sí,) sólo me duele aquí.
c. Sí, me duele aquí, también.

Practice Activity 6

Say each digit that you see below.

You can then listen to the audio to see if you said them correctly. Alternatively, you may do these along with the audio.

a. 8
b. 7
c. 6
d. 10

Practice Activity 7

Ask an imaginary patient each question below in Spanish.

You will listen to the audio to hear the patient answer in Spanish. Note the patient's response and say what it means in English.

  1. ¿Cuándo comenzó su dolor?

  2. ¿Cuánto duró su dolor?

  3. ¿Le ocurrió de nuevo?

Practice Activity 8

Identify the correct picture showing what the patient says you could do to make them more comfortable.

As the nurse, imagine you are asking the patient, ¿Qué puedo hacer para que se sienta major ahora? Listen to the patient responses in the audio file and match each of them to the appropriate picture below.

Image Choices
1. File:11190-C5P2Image4.png 2. File:11191-C5P3Image2.png
3. File:11192-C5P3Image3.png 4. File:11193-C5P3Image4.png

Practice Activity 9

Match the Spanish drug names and over-the-counter products to their English meanings.

You may work through this on your own first and then listen to the audio, or you can do the activity with the corresponding audio.

English Spanish
1. unas gotas
2. una pastilla
3. un jarabe
4. un vendaje
5. una curita
6. el aceite
7. el ungüento
8. una medicina somnífera
9. los esteroides
10. una pomada
a. bandage
b. cream
c. oil
d. lozenge
e. steroids
f. band-aid®
g. drops
h. syrup
i. sleeping pill
j. ointment

Practice Activity 10

Match each set of Spanish instructions for wound management to the type of dressing that is being used.

When you are ready, listen to audio to see how you did.

Type of Dressing Instructions
1. Non-sterile dry dressing a. Póngase sus guantes esterilizados. Cubra la herida muy bien con las vendas húmedas. Cúbrala con las vendas secas.
2. Sterile dry dressing b. Cubra la herida muy bien con las vendas secas.
3. Wet-to-dry dressing c. Póngase sus guantes esterilizados. Cubra la herida muy bien con las vendas secas.


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Source: This content has been adapted from "Spanish for Nurses" by Stephanie Langston.