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Life cycle of Butterfly

Author: Kiara Esquivel


1) Friends you will click on the 3 links given to you on this page to learn about the cycle of a butterfly 

2) REMINDER: Don't forget to take the 3 mini multiple question quiz

3) Finally, at the end of the page "Essential Question" you will be directed to a google form where you will respond to a short answer question. 

Friends, Lets explore a butterfly's life cycle in more detail...

Click on the picture to read about the steps on how a butterfly turns into an adult

A quick mini clip on the Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Watch the video to learn the 4 steps.

Steps of the Butterfly Cycle

The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Read Aloud

Friends, Go ahead and click on the picture. This will lead you to a short story about a hungry caterpillar. Enjoy the read-aloud.

Essential Question

Friends, make sure you have click and review the material and answer the following 3 questions. Once all of the above is completed, then click on this link which will take you to a google form.

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