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Life Science Content Standard A

Author: Sarah Thompson

Assignment 1 Links

The links for assignment 1 are located below:

Section 1:
DNA Song

The Secret of Life

DNA Presentation

Section 2:
Chapter 5.3 DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis
Virtual DNA Model

Section 3:
Brainpop Video

Assignment 1 Instructions

Life Science Assignment 1 Science

Standard Addressed: L.12.A.1
Students know genetic information passes from parents to offspring is coded in the DNA molecule.


Assignment 2 Links

The following links are for assignment 2 located below:

Section 2:

Chapter 3.3 Protein Synthesis & Gene Expression

Practice Activity

Section 3:



Assignment 2 Instructions

Science Standard Addressed:
L.12.A.2 Students know DNA molecules provide instructions for assembling protein molecules.


Assignment 2 Handout

1. DNA and RNA pairing exercise
This handout accompanies Section one of Assignment 2.

You will need the following materials in order to complete the handout: Colored Pencils (Orange, Green, Yellow, Purple, Gray, Dark Blue, Brown, Pink, Light Blue)


Assignment 3 Instructions


Assignment 3 - The Cell Cycle and Mitosis Powerpoint

Science Standard Addressed:
L.12.A.3 Students know all body cells in an organism develop from a single cell and contain essentially identical genetic instructions.

Take notes on the cell cycle and mitosis in your notebook. Everything that is underlined must be included in your notebook. Also, you need to draw and label the images when instructed to do so.

Assignment 4 Links

Below are the links for assignment 4:

Section 1:
Cancer Growth

Section 2:
Brainpop Video

Assignment 4 Instructions

Science Standard Addressed:
L.12.A.4 Students know several causes and effects of somatic versus sex cell mutations.


Assignment 5 Links

Below are the links for assignment 5:

Section 1:

Genetics Activities:

The following reading is for the above link!

MONOHYBRID HELP (for above activity)

Monohybrid problems deal with only 1 trait. In this example, that trait is "height". Dominant genes are represented by capital letters while recessive genes are represented by small letters.

So a capital "T" represents the gene that causes tallness (dominant trait) and a small "t" represents the gene that causes dwarfness (recessive trait).

A dominant gene masks the presence of a recessive gene so that even if the recessive gene is present, it isn't always noticeable. So, "Tt" would cause tallness even though the "t" gene is present. This is called complete dominance.

For some traits (such as tallness), it is assumed that only 2 genes code for the trait. That's why we use combinations like "TT", "Tt" or "tt". This is the diploid condition where one gene (say "T") is located on one homologous chromosome and the other gene (say "t") is located on the other homologous chromosome.

When an organism produces sex cells (gametes) so that it can mate, those gametes receive only 1 of the 2 genes for the trait (ie. the haploid condition). This is why single genes are placed in the outer spaces of the Punnett square. When those genes combine ( when organisms mate), the diploid state is re-created and that's why the inner spaces of the Punnett square each have 2 genes.

Having 2 of the same genes (ie. "TT" or "tt") is referred to as homozygous whereas having 2 different forms of the gene (ie. "Tt") is referred to as heterozygous.

Assignment 5 Instructions

Science Standard Addressed:
L.12.A.5 Students know how to predict patterns of inheritance.
