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Life Sciences

Author: Briana Cocola


Please go through each section of the lesson starting with the video on living things. Go down in the order of that is presented for you and take a few notes. Have a parent help guide you on your note taking. Please answer the questions at the end.

Living things


The Big Question!!

Now that you have completed the lesson and answered a couple questions, please answer this last one.

Based on all the information you have learned on plants and animals please describe to the best of your ability how different types of animals breathe, including insects. What do plants need in order to grow? What was your favorite part about the lesson?

Please answer the questions on a piece of binder paper or type it up with the help of an adult and email it to me.


1a. Fish have gills that allow them to breathe underwater, animals have lungs and breathe through their mouth or nose to get oxygen, and insects have tiny air holes.

1b. Plants need sunlight, water, and nutrient rich soil in order to grow.

1c. The students own thoughts.