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Lights and Shadows

Author: Nia T

Light Moves Song

Here is a song about light but you can read it as a poem to help  you further understand light and how it works. 

Light moves Like a wave upon the ocean
Light moves Like ripples on the sea
Light spreads From a source in all directions
Bouncing off to make reflections Like the shining moon
Light sings In a million undulations
Light sings In a song of many tones
Light’s song Brings a wealth of information
We see only three vibrations
Red, green and blue
Oh, light can vibrate fast or slow
Its energy is high or low
But of those million frequencies
Our eyes are only built to see
Red, green and blue

White light
Mixes these three waves together
White light
Shines upon our colored earth
Green leaves
Drink the red and blue from sunshine
Bounce the green back in a straight line
To my waiting eye
Sky light
On a brilliant summer blue day
Sky light
Even air will drink the light
Blue light
Scatters forth in all directions
Making blue the sky’s complexion
With a yellow sun
Green and red make yellow
Green and blue, cyan
Red and blue, magenta
All the colors can come from
Red, green, and blue
Strange light
Gamma, X-ray, ultraviolet
Strange light
Infrared and microwave
Our sight
Cannot show us all the spectrum
But our instruments detect them
All across the sky
Light works
In the wondrous ways of wavelength
Light works
It’s emitted and absorbed
Light sparks
From the dancing of electrons
Giving birth to streams of photons
Little sparks of light
Oh, light’s a particle, a wave
a mystery how it behaves
and how it carries energy
to light our world and let us see
red, green and blue…

Show off

Now that you have finished with the lesson please answer the following question. If this is not working please use this link:

Test your shadow knowledge

This website has a game for you to test your new found knowledge on shadows. Go through the activities to see if you understand how shadows work.

Click on the link above to get to the game. Have Fun! 

Information on Shadows

"A shadow is made when an object blocks light. The object must be opaque or translucent to make a shadow. A transparent object will not make any shadow, as light will pass straight through it. (BBC)"

"Transparent materials let light pass through them in straight lines, so that you can see clearly through them. Glass is an example of a transparent material. (BBC)"

"Translucent materials let some light through, but they scatter the light in all directions, so that you cannot see clearly through them. Tissue paper is an example of a translucent material. (BBC)"

"Opaque materials do not let any light pass through them. They block the light. Wood is an example of an opaque material.(BBC)"

"A shadow is made when an object blocks light. The shadow appears the side of the object furthest from the light source. The object must be opaque or translucent to make a shadow. A transparent object will not make any shadow, as light will pass straight through it. (BBC)"

"Opaque objects make dark shadows. Translucent objects make faint shadows. If an object is moved closer to the light source, the shadow gets bigger. If an object is moved further away from the light source, the shadow gets smaller.(BBC)"

Shadows made by the Sun

"The Sun is a very bright natural light source. It seems to move across the sky during the day. In fact it just looks like it does that because the Earth is spinning. The Sun casts (makes) the longest shadows at the beginning and end of the day, when the Sun is lowest in the sky.
The Sun casts the shortest shadows at midday, when the Sun is highest in the sky. (BBC)"