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Looking Forward

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, we will discuss the future of environmental issues. People need to realize that when it comes to environmental issues, there are no silver bullet solutions; therefore, a host of various approaches and solutions will be needed to address the myriad of environmental challenges humans face. We will discuss how to move forward with addressing environmental issues at the government, business, and individual levels. Specifically, this lesson will cover the following:

Table of Contents

1. Government

For government policies to work, they will need to be possible to bring to force politically. They need to target key players and decision-makers who can shift behavior and have the necessary impacts on environmental issues. They need to encourage behavioral change through regulation, monitoring, and enforcement. They need to provide education and information through various avenues.

The following table summarizes government capabilities needed to meet environmental challenges.

Government Action Purpose
Taxes and fees Discourage substances and actions that can harm humans and the environment
Subsidies and grants Encourage efforts beneficial to the environment
Facilitation Facilitate collaboration between stakeholder groups
Policies on population control Pass and enforce policies that limit childbirth
Energy policies Implement and enforce policies to reduce energy consumption in industry as well as homes
Government energy use Reduce energy consumption in government facilities
Green politics Improve energy sources and promote green politics

2. Private Business

Private businesses can improve their agricultural practices for longevity, productivity, equity, and health. They can also decrease their energy consumption and improve their energy sources.

There are some companies that market themselves as green companies but do not actually follow sustainable or green principles. When companies do this, it is called greenwashing.


Monsanto, a large genetic engineering seed company, has been accused of greenwashing. However, there are strong viewpoints both supporting and negating such accusations.

3. Individual

Individuals can also take action by encouraging and practicing social norms and attitudes which support sustainable lifestyles. This could have widespread impacts in behavior change over time.

The original campaign to reduce, reuse, and recycle was such an effort. It improved people's awareness about managing their waste and protecting the environment through better waste disposal.

The following table summarizes a variety of tools that individuals can use to address environmental issues.

Actions for Individuals Description
Population control Family size can also be determined by individuals. Decisions to have fewer children can reduce human population growth.
Environmental literacy People can become more environmentally literate and conscious by educating themselves on important topics and issues, both in their communities and abroad. As technology improves, it is becoming easier to be environmentally literate about global issues, which might have an impact on the lives of individuals.
Green Products People can also choose to purchase greener products, such as organic foods, and use services from companies that adopt sustainable practices. People can also choose to build homes that are more ecologically friendly.
Collective Action People can take collective action by joining or supporting nonprofit environmental organizations.


The restaurant chain Chipotle focuses on creating food from organic and ethically acquired ingredients.

In this lesson, we learned about ways in which people can address environmental issues in the future. We explored options at the government, private business, and individual levels.


  • Recycle | Author: Offiikart | License: Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
  • Chipotle | Author: proshob | License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported