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los meses del año

Author: Cinthia Johnson

La fecha por favor (date please)

In Spanish we have a different system then yours when we want to say the dates.

In English you will say: Today is March 20th.

In Spanish you will say: Today is the 20th of March.

Hoy es el 20 de marzo. or you can also say Es el 20 de marzo

  • You need to put the followings dates in Spanish:
  • December 25
  • February 12
  • July 15
  • October 31
  • November 24
  • Your birthday
  • September 1
  • June 6

Source: me



Source: me


1. Present vocabulary.

2. Write your vocabulary for the month as well as meanings.

3. Listen to the videos as many times you need.

4. Memorize vocabulary.

5. Learn how to tell dates.

6. Finish worksheet.

Source: yo

Tomar notas (take notes)


Take notes!


1. You need to take notes of all the vocabulary and their meanings as well as any  culture taught in the videos.

2. You can stop and rewind anything you need to as many times as you need to. Isn't that great?

3. Also make sure to write down any questions you might have during the videos.

4. Make sure you read the lesson objective and learning targets so you know what I expect from you.

4. Your goal is NOT trying to understand every single word spoken or written in the videos, so don't get frustrated.

Source: other people and myself

Learn about the month

Source: youtube

los meses del año

listen and write the vocabulary

Source: youtube

Los meses con Macarena

Source: youtube



Source: on line

worksheet 1


Source: on line