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Author: Gabriela Sarmiento

The Three States of Matter Defined

The Three State of Matter – Vocabulary & Definitions

What is matter?

Matter is what all living and non-living things are made of. All matter takes up space and has mass. Matter exists in three separate phases: solid, liquid, or gas.

What is a solid?

A solid is a substance that retains its size and shape without a container; a substance whose molecules cannot move freely except to vibrate.

What is a liquid?

A liquid is a substance that flows and keeps no definite shape because its molecules are loosely packed and constantly moving. It takes the shape of its container but maintains constant volume.

What is a gas?

A gas is a substance that can only be contained if it is fully surrounded by a container (or held together by gravitational pull); a substance whose molecules have negligible intermolecular interactions and can move freely.

Source: .

Video: The Three States of Matter

Power Point: The Three States of Matter

Visual Examples

Video: The Three States of Matter Song

A song for content review.

The "Big Question"

So now that you know what the three states of matter are, can you identify one example of a solid, a liquid, and a gas within your classroom?