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Membrane Potential and Action Potential

Author: Amanda Soderlind

Membrane Potential

Source: Video and Images Created by Amanda Soderlind

Video Transcript

Action Potential

Source: Video and Images Created by Amanda Soderlind

Video Transcript

Video Transcription

Terms to Know
Action Potential

A nerve impulse.

Input Zone

The region of a neuron where signals enter.

Output Zone

The part of the neuron that consists of the axon endings, where signals are sent on to another neuron or to a gland or muscle cell.

Resting Membrane Potential

The difference in the charge across a cell membrane.  

Resting Potential

The steady voltage difference that occurs across a neuron’s membrane when it is not being stimulated.

Sodium Potassium Pump

A protein embedded in the plasma membrane that actively transports sodium and potassium against their concentration gradients.


The minimum voltage shift across a membrane required for an action potential to take place.

Trigger Zone

The part of the neuron located at the base of the cell body that initiates action potentials.