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Microsoft Word Editing Tools

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you will take a closer look at editing in Microsoft Word and the reasons you may need to do so. You will explore the tools available and better understand how this technology can help you strengthen your results driven and productivity skills.

Specifically, this lesson will cover:
  1. Reasons for Editing
  2. Microsoft Word Ribbons
    1. Home Ribbon
    2. Insert Ribbon
    3. Layout Ribbon
    4. References Ribbon
    5. View and Review Ribbons

1. Reasons for Editing

Can you think of a reason why you may need to use some of the tools discussed in the previous lesson?

You have explored some basics about Microsoft Word and similar word processors. Now you will take a closer look at these tools and why you would need to use them.

You may need to edit your document because you did not set the correct spacing for your professor or because you need a smaller font. No matter the reason, strong technology skills would help you understand that you can locate all you need using a row of tabs at the top of the page.

MS Word Tab Menu

In the next section, you will explore what is located under some of these important tabs.

2. Microsoft Word Ribbons

2a. Home Ribbon
The home ribbon contains many of the most commonly used tools. Here. you will find things like font size, font color, and italics. You may already be familiar with many of the options found under this ribbon.

If you are ever confused about what an icon here may mean, you can always make a guess by noting the icon. For example, underline is U. You can deduce the function of this icon by noting it is the first letter in the word underline and it has a line under it. Remember, any editing action you take in word processing can be undone and fixed. Over time, as you use a tool like Microsoft Word more often, your technology skill will strengthen and you will learn what each icon stands for.

term to know

Home Ribbon
The bar at the top of a Word document that contains many of the most commonly used tools.
2b. Insert Ribbon
An insert ribbon is another commonly used ribbon. It contains important tools like page break or adding an image. It is also where you would look if you wanted to insert a hyperlink to a website. This would allow anyone reading your document online to click in that area and be taken to a web page.

Initiative: Skill Tip
Taking the time to learn about the ribbons in Microsoft Word before you even need them really shows you have some initiative. Being proactive can help you be better prepared to use those tools when you really need them.

2c. Layout Ribbon
A little further to the right of the Home ribbon, you will find the layout ribbon. The tools located here are all about where you want your text to appear on the page. Things like spacing, margins, and paragraph settings can be found here.

This ribbon will be important when you are trying to follow formatting rules set by a teacher or when you need to fit more text on the page. Adjusting the settings here can change the whole look of your document.

term to know

Layout Ribbon
The Word ribbon that contains information about where you want your text to appear on the page.
2d. References Ribbon
The references ribbon is especially helpful when you are working on a paper for school or work. In each instance, there are norms you may need to follow and the tools under this ribbon can help you check your work and revise as needed. You will find items like citation help and footnotes.

Not giving credit where credit is due can lead to some severe consequences. Tools located under this ribbon can help ensure you don’t make an error that could cost you.

term to know

References Ribbon
This Word ribbon contains norms you may need to follow; the tools under this ribbon, such as citation help and footnotes, can help you check your work and revise as needed.
2e. View and Review Ribbons
While the view and review ribbons may sound very similar, they do have different functions. The view ribbon has tools that help you set how you see your work. For example, you can zoom in or see how a page will look when you print it.

The review ribbon is just to the right of the view ribbon. Here you will find important tools you can use before you turn in a paper or hit send on an email where it is attached. You can get a total word count, check spelling, or add a comment just to name a few.

In this lesson, you learned more about important editing tools found in Microsoft Word and other word processing applications. You explored reasons for editing and various Microsoft Word ribbons. For example, you reviewed the common functions on the home ribbon and how to use the insert ribbon to quickly add to your document. You saw how the layout ribbon gives you multiple ways you can arrange your document and the reference ribbon helps you when it comes to adding sources used. Finally, the view and review ribbon can help you check your page for errors. Lastly, you considered how using your initiative skill to learn about editing tools before you need them can pay off later when you have that need.

Enjoy the next lesson!

Terms to Know
Home Ribbon

The bar at the top of a Word document that contains many of the most commonly used tools.

Layout Ribbon

The Word ribbon that contains information about where you want your text to appear on the page.

References Ribbon

This Word ribbon contains norms you may need to follow; the tools under this ribbon, such as citation help and footnotes, can help you check your work and revise as needed.