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Modeling With Functions

Author: Shirley Beil

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A poster is 16 inches longer than it is wide. Find a function that models its area A in terms of its width w.

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A rectangular box has a square base. Its height is one third the width of the base. Find a function that models its volume V in terms of its width w.

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A rectangle has a perimeter of 20 ft. Find a function that models its area A in terms of the length x of one of its sides.

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A rectangle has an area of 19 m^2. Find a function that models its perimeter P in terms of the length x of one of its sides.

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Find a function that models the radius r of a circle in terms of its area A.

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A rectangular box with a volume of 30 ft^3 has a square base. Find a function that models its surface area S in terms of the length x of one side of its base.

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Two ships leave port at the same time. One sails south at 15 mi/h, and the other sails east at 20 mi/h. Find a function that models the distance D between the ships in terms of the time t (in hours) elapsed since their departure.

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The sum of two positive numbers is 70. Find a function that models their product P in terms of x, one of the numbers.

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A right triangle has one leg four times as long as the other. Find a function that models its perimeter P in terms of the length x of the shorter leg.

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Find two positive numbers whose sum is 196 and the sum of whose squares is a minimum. (Enter your answers as a comma-separated list.)

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An open box with a square base is to have a volume of 14 ft^3. Find the box dimensions that minimize the amount of material used

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A rancher wants to build a rectangular pen with an area of 144 m^2. Find the pen dimensions that require the minimum amount of fencing.