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Monitoring, Reflecting on, and Evaluating Progress toward School and District Goals

Author: Jody Waltman
Video Transcript

Notes on "Monitoring, Reflecting on, and Evaluating Progress toward School and District Goals"

(00:00 - 00:33) Introduction

(00:34 - 02:37) Monitoring, Reflecting, and Evaluating

(02:38 - 06:07) Using a Plus/Minus/Delta Chart to Revise Strategies or Goals

(06:08 - 07:13) Altering a SMART Goal

(07:14 - 08:12) Stop and Reflect

Additional Resources

Plus/Delta Classroom Assessment Technique

Iowa State University provides an overview of the Plus Minus Delta process for continuous improvement in the classroom. This is a brief and easy to understand overview.

The Goals of Differentiation

In this journal article, Carol Ann Tomlinson explains the overarching goals of differentiation. Interestingly, she references the use of Plus Minus Delta as a tool to build awareness in students. In this course, we have been using the tool to build awareness in the adults involved in SBM.