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Motivation 4-Getting Involved

Author: Megan Trimble

Getting Involved

Source: M. Trimble/Advantage Press-2015

How To Stay Involved in Middle & High School

Read the article located here.

Ask yourself (or discuss with your class) the tips provided in the article.  


1. Can you located the club/activity information for your school

2. Have you taken the initiative to get involved in the activity of your choice? If not-email that Coach/Sponsor and express your interest!  Ask him/her what you can do to get involved.

Source: M.Trimble-2015/Great

Motivation #4-Short Stories

Click here to access the short stories for this lesson.  Read the 3 stories and reflect/discuss. You can read all the stories at once or individually.  You will use the contents of the stories when answering the response questions later in the lesson.

Source: M.Trimble-2015 *(Advantage Press)

Motivation #4-Student Response Documents

Click here to access the student response(s) document for this lesson. Your teacher will let you know which of the questions you will be required to complete.

Source: M.Trimble-2015 *(Advantage Press)

Meaningful Student Involvement

Scroll down to the 5th & 6th pages for tips and ideas on how students can take the initiative to get involved.


Source: SoundOut