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Multiplying and Dividing Integers - 7.2 - Lessons 10, 11, and 12

Author: Todd Parks

Multiplying Integers

Multiplying integers is repeated addition and can be modeled with the Integer Game. If 3 × a corresponds to whathappens to your score if you get three cards of value a, then (−3) × a corresponds to what happens to your score ifyou lose three cards of value a. Adding a number multiple times has the same effect as removing the opposite valuethe same number of times (e.g., a × b = (−a) × (−b) and a × (−b) = (−a) × b.)

One tool that you can use is our multiplication / division Mickey Mouse.

Cover up the two signs of the two integers that you are either multiplying or dividing, and the sign that is still visible is the sign that belongs to your answer.

Multiplying Integers Jingle

IXL - 7th Grade - E.7 Multiply and Divide Integers

Assigned 12/2/13.

Use the link below to sign in and complete the assignment.

Lesson 10 - Understanding Multiplication of Integers

Below is a blank printable copy of lesson 10 of the common core's module 2 for 7th grade.


Lesson Instructions

Use the instructions below as a guide to understanding the mathematical concept being taught.


Lesson 11 - Developing Rules for Multiplying Signed Numbers

Below is a blank printable copy of the common core's lesson 11 for 7th grade.


Lesson Instructions

Use the instructions below as a guide toward understanding the mathematical concepts being presented.


Lesson 12 - Division of Integers

Below is a blank printable student copy of the common core's lesson 12.


Lesson Instructions

Use the instructions below as a guide toward understanding the mathematical concepts being presented.
