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Multiplying Terms using Distribution

Author: Sophia

what's covered
This tutorial covers how to multiply terms using distribution, through the definition and discussion of:

Table of Contents

1. Monomials, Binomials, and Polynomials

A monomial is an exponential expression that consists of one term with non-negative integer exponents—“mono” meaning “one.”


Below is an example of a monomial. In this term, 4 is the coefficient, x is the base, and 5 is the exponent.

4 x to the power of 5

A binomial is an expression that consists of two monomial terms—“bi” meaning “two.”


Below is an example of a binomial.

3 y cubed minus 2 x to the power of 6

Lastly, a polynomial is an expression that consists of two or more monomial terms—“poly” meaning “many.”


Below is an example of a polynomial. Expressions should always be simplified by combining like terms if possible, so in this polynomial, you can combine the like terms 4a and 2a.

table attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell 5 a cubed plus 4 a minus 3 a squared plus 2 a end cell row cell 5 a cubed minus 3 a squared plus 6 a end cell end table

terms to know
An exponential expression with non-negative integer exponents
An expression containing two monomial terms
An expression containing two or more monomial terms

2. The Distributive Property

The distributive property is where the quantity that is outside of the parentheses is multiplied or distributed into every term inside the parentheses.

formula to know
Distributive Property
a left parenthesis b plus c right parenthesis equals a b plus a c


Suppose you want to simplify the following expression. You would distribute by multiplying the 7 to both the x and the -4 in the parentheses.

table attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell 7 left parenthesis x minus 4 right parenthesis equals end cell row cell 7 x minus 28 end cell end table

3. Multiplying Monomials and Binomials

When multiplying a monomial by a binomial, the entire monomial is distributed, including the coefficients and the variable powers.


Suppose you want to multiply the following expression:

4 m cubed left parenthesis 5 m squared plus 2 m right parenthesis

Because your variable bases are the same, you can use the product property for exponents to add your exponents together when multiplying the variable powers together.

To multiply, you will use the distributive property to multiply 4 m cubed by the terms within the parentheses.

open parentheses 4 m cubed close parentheses open parentheses 5 m squared close parentheses plus open parentheses 4 m cubed close parentheses open parentheses 2 m close parentheses

When you multiply 4 m cubed by 5 m squared, you can use the commutative property of multiplication to rewrite the product by grouping your coefficients together and your variable powers together. Similarly, when you multiply 4 m cubed by 2m, you can again use the commutative property of multiplication to rewrite your product.

left parenthesis 4 times 5 right parenthesis left parenthesis m cubed times m squared right parenthesis plus left parenthesis 4 times 2 right parenthesis left parenthesis m cubed times m right parenthesis

To simplify your first term, multiply your coefficients, 4 and 5, which equals 20. Next, use the product property of exponents to add your exponents together.

open parentheses 4 times 5 close parentheses open parentheses m cubed times m squared close parentheses equals 20 m to the power of 5

Simplifying your second term, multiply your coefficients, 4 times 2, which equals 8. Note that your variable m has no written exponent, which means that it has an implied exponent of 1. Therefore, adding your exponents together provides:

open parentheses 4 times 2 close parentheses open parentheses m cubed times m close parentheses equals 8 m to the power of 4

Bringing your two terms back together, your final expression is in standard form because the term with the highest exponent power is written first, followed by the term with the next highest exponent power, and so on.

20 m to the power of 5 plus 8 m to the power of 4

did you know
You can also call the standard form of a polynomial “descending order.”

Now, using what you’ve learned, try multiplying the following monomial and binomial terms.

try it
Consider the following expression:

short dash 2 x squared left parenthesis 3 x to the power of 6 minus x right parenthesis
Multiply the terms together.
You need to multiply short dash 2 x squared by both terms in the parentheses.

open parentheses short dash 2 x squared close parentheses open parentheses 3 x to the power of 6 close parentheses plus open parentheses short dash 2 x squared close parentheses open parentheses short dash x close parentheses

Next, multiply short dash 2 x squared by the first term in the parentheses.

open parentheses short dash 2 x squared close parentheses open parentheses 3 x to the power of 6 close parentheses equals short dash 6 x to the power of 8

Then, multiply short dash 2 x squared times your second term, -x.

open parentheses short dash 2 x squared close parentheses open parentheses short dash x close parentheses equals 2 x cubed

Bringing the two terms back together, here is your resulting expression:

short dash 6 x to the power of 8 plus 2 x cubed

It is in standard form or descending order, so this is your final answer.

4. Multiplying Monomials and Polynomials

The same rules apply when multiplying monomials with polynomials.


Consider the expression below.

3 open parentheses 2 a squared plus a cubed b squared minus b close parentheses

You need to distribute the 3 on the outside of the parentheses to all three terms within the parentheses. Notice that the 3 does not have any variable bases or exponents, so you only need to multiply the coefficients. Also, remember that there is an implied -1 being multiplied by the b here.

table attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell 3 left parenthesis 2 a squared plus a cubed b squared minus b right parenthesis equals end cell row cell 6 a squared plus 3 a cubed b squared minus 3 b end cell end table

Now you must reorder your terms so that they are in descending order, so you’ll need to switch the first and second terms to arrive at your final answer.

3 a cubed b squared plus 6 a squared minus 3 b


Consider the expression below.

7 x squared y cubed open parentheses 2 x to the power of 5 minus 5 x squared y squared plus 3 y cubed close parentheses

For this last example, you’ll need to multiply the term on the outside by each of the three terms inside the parentheses. Note that the outside term contains variables, coefficients, and exponents.

Begin by multiplying the outside term by the first term in the parentheses. 7 times 2 is 14, and you can also add the exponents of x squared and x to the power of 5 because their bases are both x; y cubed stays unchanged. Next, multiply the outside term by your second and third term in the parentheses. Your expression is in standard form or descending order, so this is your final answer:

table attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell 7 x squared y cubed open parentheses 2 x to the power of 5 minus 5 x squared y squared plus 3 y cubed close parentheses equals end cell row cell 14 x to the power of 7 y cubed minus 35 x to the power of 4 y to the power of 5 plus 21 x squared y to the power of 6 end cell end table

Today your learned the definitions of monomials, binomials, and polynomials. You also reviewed the distributive property, and learned how to apply it when multiplying monomials by binomials and polynomials, keeping in mind that the entire monomial is distributed, including coefficients and variable powers.

Source: This work is adapted from Sophia author Colleen Atakpu.

Terms to Know

An expression containing two monomial terms.


An exponential expression with non–negative integer exponents.


An expression containing two or more monomial terms.

Formulas to Know
Distributive Property

a left parenthesis b plus c right parenthesis equals a b plus a c