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Ocean Literacy

Author: Saradhia Voltaire

Ocean Literacy means understanding the ocean’s influence on you and your influence on the ocean. There are 7 principles of Ocean Literacy

Source: Ocean Literacy – Summary from College of Exploration on Vimeo.

Ocean Literacy

(1) Read about The Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts
of Ocean Sciences
(2) In your journals summarize in a paragraph each of the seven principles.
(3) For each of the seven essential ocean principles there are the fundamental concepts listed. For each essential ocean principle include in your summary the fundemental concepts you think is most important and why.


Source: Ocean Literacy – Summary from College of Exploration on Vimeo.

Seattle Aquarium Virtual Fieldtrip:The Seattle Aquarium hosts a #VirtualFieldTrip on Google+ with three east coast schools. Learn about the animals and the food web that can be found in the Puget Sound waters.

Instruction: (1) Watch and enjoy the virtual fieldtrip
(2) Throughout the field trip many of the ocean species are introduce, you must write a one page report on the things you learned about 5 0f the species (plants or/and animals )and
3. Make sure to include the following within the one page report:
(a) Explaination of the animals unique features
(b) The positive and negative impact the species has on its environment.
(c) what is it the species contribute to the ocean ecosystem:
example: (Salmon has the unique feature to live in both fresh and salt water. The advantage is that Salmon is a great food source for many animals and people. Salmon contribute to its ecosystem by acting as an ecological process vector, important in the transport of energy and nutrients between the ocean, estuaries, and freshwater environments. he disadvantageous of Salmon is it function as enormous pumps that push vast amounts of marine nutrients from the ocean to the headwaters of otherwise low productivity rivers.)

Source: Youtube:Seattle Aquarium