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Of Mice and Men Journals

Author: Kayla Seabourn

Essential Question

After viewing all of the sources on this webpage you must answer this question:

Of the two themes: Power vs. Powelessness and Frienship, which is the most predominate in the first two chapters in Of Mice and Men and will continue to have the most influence for the rest of the novella? Use at least three citations from the novella or a listed source on this webpage in your answer. 


Journal Instructions and Propmts

Chapter 1 (Audio Book)

This is chapter one of the novella. Listen to this and chapter 2 before doing any of the assignments for these chapters.

Source: YouTube

Chapter 2 (Audio Book)

This is chapter 2 of the novella. After listening to this you may begin your assignments.

Source: YouTube

Additional Rescources

Here are some additional resources for you to view:   (use this to help you break down the chapter and comprehend the characters)   (watch the first 4 minutes of this video--it is a summary of chapter 1 and 2)  (this will give you background on some of the themes in the novella)

Source: YouTube, Sparknotes, Lit Charts