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MA1010: The Skills in Unit 2

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you will explore how practicing linear equations, including graphing equations, strengthens your problem solving, productivity, and initiative skills. Specifically, this lesson will cover:
  1. Linear Equations and Problem Solving
  2. Linear Equations and Productivity
  3. Linear Equations and Initiative

1. Linear Equations and Problem Solving

The main goal of practicing linear equations and inequalities is problem solving. Math equations are typically referred to as math problems because you truly are solving a problem, not just completing a mundane and meaningless task. As you will learn in this unit, linear equations involve math problems in which there is an unknown number. For instance, if a child earns $12 per week, how much money will he earn in 6, 10, 15, or 100 weeks? Conversely, if a child is paid weekly, and at the end of the year he has earned $208, how much was he paid each week? These are unknown numbers which can be determined through linear equations.

By practicing problems, especially complex problems with multiple steps, you are exercising your critical thinking skills and improving your focus. This enables you to solve math-related problems in your professional and personal life. It also gives you the ability to solve other types of complex problems. Knowing that you have learned and solved complex problems before, you will be ready to apply this skill in all areas of your life.

2. Linear Equations and Productivity

As you continue through this lesson, you will find “shortcuts” to solving equations. Parts of a math equation can be grouped together or reorganized. You will learn the most effective way to arrive at the accurate solution. This enables you to be more productive when solving problems. For instance, you may work in a career that requires you to determine unknown factors (don’t worry, you’ll learn how to do this!). By using the most efficient method, you will be more productive in your career and complete more work in a given day. Additionally, you will use these skills in your personal life, such as when you are making a budget or creating a nutrition plan for yourself. By solving these equations quickly, you’ll add time to your day.

3. Linear Equations and Initiative

Finally, in this unit, you will explore how linear equations strengthen your initiative skill. As stated, you will practice solving unknown variables. You will do this by working through equations and using graphs. These methods allow you to make predictions, such as how long it will take you to train for a 10K, or what your company’s sales will be in one year. With your knowledge of linear equations, you can take the initiative to make predictions. This information can inform decisions that you make today. For instance, you may realize that you need to save more money, or you may realize that your company should focus on a specific target audience. Taking the initiative to draw these conclusions will be a great asset in making you successful in and out of the workplace.

In this lesson, you learned how the knowledge you’ll gain in Unit 2 will strengthen your problem solving, productivity, and initiative skills. Solving linear equations will make you a valuable asset to an employer and more successful in everyday life. You will have the knowledge to recognize problems, analyze them to draw conclusions, and work efficiently.

Best of luck in your learning!