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Order of Operations

Author: Monica Fuentes

Summary of Class Notes

Students will be able to understand the concept of Order of Operations by taking notes, answering problems and remembering the meaning of PEMDAS.

If I gave you the problem 2 plus 5 cross times 10

What answer would you get?

If your answer is 52 that is correct.

If you answer was 70 the following information will explain why it is incorrect.

In order for your answer to be correct we have to be on the same page. Someone has created a method called ORDER OF OPERATIONS!

Order of Operations is a rule that shows us what to answer first in a given problem.

Rules on how to answer problems using Order of Operations

  1. Parentheses ()
  2. Exponents 23
  3. Multiplication/Division cross times space o r divided by (from left to right)
  4. Addition/Subtraction plus space o r space minus (from left to right)

Always remember the phrase "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" when answering problems regarding order of operations.

Okay now lets answer once again 

2 plus 5 cross times 10

2 plus 5 cross times 10 space left parenthesis m u l t i p l y space 5 cross times 10 right parenthesis
2 plus 50 space left parenthesis a d d space f r o m space l e f t space t o space r i g h t right parenthesis
equals 52


More examples


  1. 10 plus 5 cross times 4
  2. 20 plus 6 cross times 5
  3. open parentheses 5 plus 2 close parentheses cross times 6
  4. open parentheses 40 minus 20 close parentheses plus 5

Do you want more practice problems to work on? Click here

Source: Home School

Additional Help

Do you still need help?

This link provides step by step on how to solve for every stage of order of operations.

Source: Math is Fun

Need help remembering PEMDAS!

A song performed by a class to remember PEMDAS!

Source: T Christman

Order of Operation Song and Explanation

A class signing a song and explaining how to solve using PEMDAS.


Explanation on how to use PEMDAS!

The video provides examples on how to solve for order of operations.

Source: mahalodotcom