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Organ Systems

Author: Aaron Mullally

Organ System Overview

Video Images: Video Images: Human skin image, Public Domain:; Lymphatic system image, Creative Commons:; Muscles Anterior image, Public Domain:; Circulatory system image, Public Domain:; Respiratory system image, Public Domain:; Digestive system image, Public Domain:; Urinary system, Public Domain:; Skeleton image, Aaron Mullally

Notes on Organ Systems Overview


(00:00 – 2:25) Hierarchy of Complexion

(2:25 – 3:30) Protection

(3:30 – 4:37) Structure & Support

(4:37 – 7:00) Transportation & Excretion

(7:00 – 8:00) Communication

(8:00 – 9:25) Reproduction

Key Terms

Integumentary system – the skin and associated organs (hair and glands)

Nervous system – the organ system of integration and control, consists of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves

Muscular system – the organ system of movement, consists of three different types of muscles (skeletal, cardiac and smooth)

Skeletal system – the organ system of structure, support, and physical protection, also makes blood cells; consists of bones

Cardiovascular system – organ system that consists of the heart, blood and blood vessels; used to transport nutrients and wastes, via blood, to all organs and tissues of the body

Respiratory system – organ system that consists of the nose, larynx, trachea, bronchiole tree and lungs; used to absorb oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide

Endocrine system – a system of glands and hormones that is used for broad, widespread communication

Lymphatic system – a system of defense that consists of lymph nodes, tonsils and the spleen; all of these organs are populated with the cells of our immune system and filter materials that flow through/past them

Urinary system – a system that consists of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra; used to filter and eliminate wastes and excessive materials from the blood

Digestive system – a system used for ingestion, digestion, absorption of nutrients; whatever is not absorbed is eliminated in the form of fecal matter; consists of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine (colon), rectum, anus, liver, pancreas, salivary glands, teeth gallbladder

Reproductive system – a system used to create sex cells (gametes) for the purpose of procreation; consists of the testes and ovaries, penis and clitoris, vagina and urethra, vas deferense and fallopian tubes, prostate and uterus, cervix

Source: Aaron Mullally