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"Out of Bounds"

Author: Kellee Peterson

To Do:

Day 1 - Watch the "Trojan Horse" video, the "Nelson Mandela" video and the "Out of Bounds"
video to prepare for class.

Day 2 - Research to answer the social studies connection question at the bottom of this tutorial.


  • use historical context to identify cultural conflict in a work of literature.
  • gather evidence from the text and add it to my own knowledge and experience to make an inference.

South Africa's Deadly Trojan Horse

Click on the SECOND link below IF this video won't play for you.

Watch this video to gain some perspective on the history and culture of South Africa during the time Beverly Naidoo, the author, was growing up.

View - Nelson Mandela

Video - Click on the word video to see the video and gain some perspective on the history and culture of South Africa during the time Beverly Naidoo, the author, was growing up.

Social Studies Connection (page 797, number 10)

Below are links to Webpages for your research on the role Nelson Mandela.

What role did Nelson Mandela play in ending the official law of Apartheid in South Africa?

Why is he considered an inspirational leader?

VOGEL - "Out of Bounds"

Source: Kellee Peterson

PETERSON "Out of Bounds"

Source: Kellee Peterson