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Outcomes and Competencies

Author: Kathleen Johnson

Outcomes & Competencies

Source: Digital Access Key Image; Morgue File;

Video Transcript

Notes on "Outcomes & Competencies"

(00:00-00:29) Intro

(00:30-01:18) Objectives

(01:19-02:26) What Is An Outcome?

(02:27-03:23) How Are Outcomes and Objectives Different?

(03:24-05:08) Why Are Outcomes and Objectives Important?

(05:09-06:51) What Are Competencies?

 (06:52-07:03) Review

(07:04-07:26) Reflection

Additional Resources

Tips on Writing Learning Outcomes

This University of Illinois site provides step by step directions to writing strong learning outcomes. The directions are connected to Bloom's Taxonomy.

Writing Measurable Learning Outcomes

This handout provides comprehensive directions on writing measurable learning outcomes. The handout includes Bloom's Taxonomy and Action Verbs. In addition, there are clear strategies to align outcomes to performance tasks.