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Overview of CBE

Author: Kathleen Johnson

Source: Digital Access Key Image; Morgue File;

Video Transcript

Notes on "Overview of CBE"

(00:00-00:17) Intro

(00:18-00:38) Objectives

(00:39-02:10) History of CBE

(02:11-04:12) What is CBE?

(04:13-06:13) What does CBE look like?

(06:14-07:36) Why implement CBE?

(07:37-08:23) Review & Reflection

Additional Resources

Competency-Based Education: No More Semesters?

In this blog post by National Public Radio (NPR), the idea of competency-based education and how learners might experience it is explored.


This collaborative initiative to advance competency-based education is a partnership among iNacol, the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, and others. This website is a repository for competency-based education articles and resources, a wiki, blog posts, and listings of conferences, workshops, and other events related to CBE.