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Author: Trisha Fyfe

Source: Image light, Public Domain,

Video Transcript

Notes on “PDSA”


(00:00- 00:24) Introduction/Objectives

(00:25- 01:25) What is a PDSA

(01:26- 02:04) Stage P: Plan

(02:05- 02:28) Stage D: Do

(02:29- 02:55) Stage S: Study

(02:56- 03:22) Stage A: Act

(03:23- 05:11) Examples of PDSAs

(05:12- 05:39) Recap

(05:40- 06:19) Reflection 

Additional Resources

Using PDSA to Improve Student Achievement 

This is  a useful handout from the American Society for Quality (ASQ) on using PDSA to improve instruction. This resource provides a clear overview of PDSA and an explanation of how to implement PDSA cycles of inquiry to increase student achievement and improve instruction.

Case Example: Usable Interventions and PDSA

This is a case example by the Active Implementation Hub of using PDSA for continuous improvement and the implementation of interventions. This resource shows the complete process of a team of teachers engaging in a PDSA cycle of inquiry.