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Periodic Table of Elements

Author: Michele Langhans

Be sure to watch and take notes

Source: Langhans and various educators

Trends of the Periodic Table- very short

The video is a short video on the trends of the PT. Be sure to watch and add to your notes

Source: Langhans and various educators

Periodic Table of Elements: These are the “S” in WSQ. You must have them under your video notes completed by the due date on the Unit Plan.

1. Define a family.  

2. What is a period? 

3. How can you find the valence electrons? Oxidation number?

4. Why are the lanthanides and actinides below the rest of the Periodic Table of Elements?

5. Do as many as you can on this:

Source: Langhans and various educators

HOT Question

Source: inspired by C. Kirch