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Personalized Classroom

Author: Jody Waltman

Source: Image of globe with mouse, Public Domain,; Image of desk, Public Domain,; Image of "no" symbol, Public Domain,

Notes on "Personalized Classroom"

(00:00 - 00:30) Introduction

(00:31 - 01:19) Instruction

(01:20 - 01:43) Technology

(01:44 - 02:12) Learning Environment

(02:13 - 02:54) Assignments and Student Work

(02:55 - 03:38) Assessment

(03:39 - 03:54) Review

(03:55 - 04:16) Stop and Reflect

Additional Resources

What Does Personalized Learning Really Look Like?

This article provides a high level overview of personalized learning and offers some examples to illustrate personalization in action. There are three useful links within the article that you may want to explore: student learning paths, the evolving role of the teacher, and concepts behind personalized learning.

Mean What You Say: Defining and Integrating Personalized, Blended and Competency Education

This is a comprehensive overview of personalized learning, blended learning, and competency based education. This report breaks down personalized learning into three categories and explains how to accomplish each in your setting: personalized learning, personalized learning in the blended learning environment, and personalization support by competencies. In addition, there is a helpful section called "How Standards Fit into Personalized, Blended
and Competency Education."