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Personalized Learning

Author: Kathleen Johnson

Source: Digital Access Key Image; Morgue File;

Video Transcript

Notes on "Personalized Learning"

(00:00-00:20) Intro

(00:21-00:43) Objectives

(00:44-02:04) Personalized Learning Background

(02:05-04:26) Why Personalized Learning? & 5 Essential Elements

(04:26-06:20) Personalized Learning Instruction & Assessment

(06:21-08:15) Personalized Learning Connections to CBE

(08:16-08:58) Review & Reflection

Additional Resources

Personalize Learning: Toolkit

This website offers helpful explanations and suggestions for personalizing learning in the classroom. The toolkit provides useful organizers, planners, and resources to help teachers understand and provide personalized learning experiences

Ten Tips for Personalized Learning via Technology

This Edutopia article is written from the perspective of a teacher, and provides useful suggestions on personalizing the technology rich classroom.