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Physical Science Content Strand A

Author: Sarah Thompson

Assignment 1 Instructions

P.12.A.1 Students know different molecular arrangements and motions account for the different physical properties of solids,
liquids and gases. E/S.

♦ Given a diagram, choose the molecular arrangement that best describes a solid, liquid, or gas
♦ Recognize the differences between solids, liquids, and gases.
♦ Analyze the motion of particles in solids, liquids, and gases.
♦ Explain properties of the states of matter using kinetic‐molecular theory.


States of Matter Presentation


Physical Properties of Matter Presentation


Chemical Properties of Matter Presentation


Assignment 2 Instructions

P.12.A.2 Students know elements in the periodic table are arranged into groups and periods by repeating patterns and
relationships. E/S

♦ Explain why elements in the main groups (metals, nonmetals, alkali metals, alkaline earths, halogens, and noble [inert] gases) on
the periodic table have similar properties.
♦ Identify the positions of metals and non‐metals on the periodic table.
♦ Classify elements as metals and non‐metals.
♦ Predict periodic trends in atomic mass and atomic number.
♦ Recognize the difference between the atomic number and the atomic mass of an element.
♦ Calculate the number of electrons, protons, and neutrons given the atomic number and atomic mass for a given isotope of any
element in the periodic table. (See also P.12.A.8.)


How Elements are Organized Reading


Assignment 3 Instructions

P.12.A.3 Students know identifiable properties can be used to separate mixtures. E/S

♦ Identify mixtures and compounds.
♦ Identify heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures.
♦ Design separation processes based on properties (e.g., magnetism, solubility, density, boiling point, and properties that lend
themselves to mechanical sorting).


Pure Substances and Elements presentation


Compounds and Mixtures presentation


Suspensions, Solutions, and Colloids presentation
