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PLC Goals

Author: Jody Waltman
Video Transcript

Notes on "PLC Goals"

(00:00 - 00:16) Introduction

(00:17 - 01:11) Why Establish PLC Goals?

(01:12 - 02:15) PLC SMART Goals

(02:16 - 03:48) Developing Goals

(03:49 - 06:07) Sample Goal Development

(06:08 - 07:05) Summary

(07:06 - 07:36) Stop and Reflect

Additional Resources

All Things PLC: Tools & Resources

The All Things PLC Website offers a variety of grade-level specific SMART goal templates and how-tos. You will need to register for free on the site to download any of the materials for your personal use.,3/filtered,0/categories,/type,

The School Improvement KnowledgeBase

The South Central Comprehensive Center at the University of Oklahoma provides a step-by-step activity to guide the development of school improvement teams.