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Poem Structures and the Creation of Poetry

Author: Jacqueline Lopez

Welcome to your Poetry Notebook!!

For the next several days you will be working on creating a Poetry Notebook. Do not fret! I have you all set! You can find a definition and examples of the poems you are expected to have in your Potery Notebook in this Learnist. Your Poetry Notebook should have the following poems* in it:

2 Limericks
3 Haikus
1 Free Verse Poem (At least 16 lines)
1 Ode (At least 16 lines)
2 Cinquains
1 Poem(s) of your choice: If you choose to write a haiku as the poem of your choice, then you must have three haikus. If you choose to write a limerick as the poem of your choice, then you must write two limericks. If you choose to write a cinquain as the poem of your choice, then you must write two cinquains. 


The Limerick Song

This video will go over the structure and characteristics of a Limerick.

Remember! You will need 2 Limericks for you Poetry Notebook

Limericks! Definition and Examples

This link goes over the definition and example of Limericks. Click on it to get a slower explanation of what a Limerick is.

Remember!! You will need 2 Limericks for your Poetry Notebook!

Haiku! Definition and Examples

Click here to get a definition and examples of haikus.

Remember!! You will need 3 Haikus for your Poetry Notebook!

Cinquian Poem! Definition and Examples

Click on the link to learn more about the Cinquain Poem!


Remember! You will need 2 Cinquain poems for your Poetry Notebook!

WSQ #1

Click here to fill out the WSQ for DAY 1 of the Poetry Notebook Unit.

Sonnets! Definitions and Examples

Follow this link to find out more about Sonnets!

Remember!! Remember you will need 1 SHAKESPEAREAN Sonnet for you Poetry Notebook. 

Free Verse Poem! Definition and Examples

Click on the link to get a definition and find examples of Free Verse Poems!

Remember! You will need 1 Free Verse Poem for your Poetry Notebook.

The Ode! Definitions and Examples

Follow the link to a definition and examples of an ode

Remember! You will need 1 Ode for your Poetry Notebook!

Poem(s) of your choice!

The last poem(s) is your choice! If you do a limerick, haiku, or cinquain as the poem(s) of your choice, then you need to do either 2 limericks, 3 haikus, or 2 cinquain poems in order to get full credit!

WSQ #2!

Answer this WSQ after you have finished the Sophia lesson. Click on the link to fill it out.

Peer Feedback!

You should now be working on the poems for your Poetry Notebook. Once you have finished with all of them, meet with a partner, and exchange poems. Use the link to fill out the peer feedback form.