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Prelude to the War of 1812

Author: Dan Boyle

Overview of why the United States Went to War with England in 1812

A brief look at the overall issues between the United States and England that led to war in 1812. The tutorials after this will go into greater specifics about the four issues that were a part of this.

Impressment and the Chesapeake Affair

A look at two of the reasons for the United States going to war with England in 1812.

Orders in Council and the Amerindians

A look at two more of the reasons as to why the United States went to war with England in 1812.

Reasons why the United States went to war with England in 1812

Please take this quick survey as to why you think the United States went to war with England in 1812. Be sure to scroll down through and rank each of the four reasons that were discussed in the videos.