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Preparing For a Positive Learning Environment

Author: Capella Partnered with CARD

what's covered
This lesson will explore how to prepare for a positive learning environment by defining and discussing the following: This lesson will review the following:
  1. Building Rapport
  2. Check in With Caregivers
  3. Prepare Physical Environment
  4. Review Notes

1. Building Rapport

Building rapport is especially important during your first several sessions with a patient. Here are some ways to build rapport with your patient:

  • Get to know the patient’s preferences and favorite activities.
  • Spend time engaging in the preferred activities with the patient. This can make it easier when you start introducing programs and placing demands.
  • Avoid stopping a patient's preferred activity immediately when you arrive to start “working.” We do not want to pair ourselves from the outset with the termination of “fun” activities.
  • Pair yourself with reinforcement. This is critical for establishing a good working relationship and creating motivation.

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2. Check in With Caregivers

Check in with caregivers or staff on starting the ABA session, in the following ways:

  • Gather information about issues that may be affecting the patient.
  • Ask about the patient’s current motivation and mood.


How is their day going? What are some recent successes or challenges?
  • Ask about current behavioral challenges that may affect their performance.
  • Determine the physical state of the patient.


How did the patient eat or sleep?
These things may affect the ABA therapy session, so it is important to find out about them prior to the session.
  • Remember to maintain professional boundaries. Do ask relevant questions about the patient and things that may impact the ABA session. Do not ask about the caregiver’s social or personal life or share details about your own.

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3. Prepare Physical Environment

Prepare the physical environment for the fluid implementation of the ABA therapy session programs and to prevent pauses or interruptions by doing these tasks:

  • Clear and organize the environment.
  • Remove distractions and/or hazardous items, as these may affect the patient’s focus during therapy. Removing items that can be thrown, torn, etc., can help ensure success.
  • Gather necessary materials like program and data sheets, stimuli and materials for targets, reinforcing items, and activities for break times. This keeps a fluid pace and prevents long pauses during the therapy session.

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4. Review Notes

Review notes from previous sessions, including the following:

  • Information regarding progress on learning tasks and behavioral issues
  • Prompting levels
  • Specific stimuli used
  • Any changes that may have occurred
  • Any behavioral challenges
In this lesson, you reviewed tips and techniques for preparing for a positive learning environment in your therapy sessions with patients in ABA. You reviewed the importance of building rapport, especially during your first several sessions with a patient, checking in with caregivers or staff on starting the ABA session, preparing the physical environment to ensure it is ready for the ABA therapy session, and reviewing notes from previous sessions.