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Presentation Basics

Author: Iskandar Rizal Hamzah

Week 1: Presentation Preparation: Book/Movie Review

Prepare to speak for 2 minutes on either a book OR movie which you have just read/seen. 

You may choose to mention the following points:
1. Title
2. Author/Director/Actors
3. What is the book/movie about? (no spoilers, please!)
4. How did the book/movie make you feel?
5. What do you think about the book/movie?

Submit the script for the presentation in pdf in the Dropbox here.

Week 2: Record Your Presentation.

1. Use the script you prepared in Week 2's assignment.

2. Select 3 images to match your points in the presentation. 
You may find these, either:
a. From the internet. 
Do a search using Then select Settings from the top right menu >Advanced Search. Scroll down to Usage Rights, and select >Free to Use or Share. This will ensure you have not encroached on anyone's intellectual property. 
b. Among your own photographs or take photos of your own. (Here, there is no problem with copyright)

3. Create a Presentation on your Google Drive, and create a 1st Slide, introducing the topic of your presentation, and your name. Then, insert the 3 images according to the sequence of your presentation. 

4. Create a Movenote, import this presentation and record yourself. It may take a few minutes for your presentation to load into Movenote. Save when done.

5. Email the link of the presentation to yourself, and paste the link to your ePortfolio. Title of your post should be "My First Recorded Presentation". 

How to install Movenote into your Google Drive account

How to install Movenote into your Google Drive account.

Basic Notes on Presenting

1. Plan ahead
- What is the purpose of your presentation?
- How long do you have?
- What are your "take-aways", i.e. what points do you want your audience to remember from your presentation?

2. Write your script (from last week's Preparation assignment)
- You have to know what you are going to say.

3. Keep your slides simple
- Minimise text to the absolute minimum. If your audience is reading your slides, they are nor listening to you.
- Use images* to deliver your points.
- Try to use no more than 10 slides in your whole presentation.

And finally, PRACTISE. And practise some more.


*Obtaining images for your presentation:You may find these
- from the internet. Do a search using Then select Settings from the top right menu > Advanced Search. 

Scroll down to usage rights, and select free to uise or share. This will ensure you have not encroached on anyone's intellectual property. 
- among your own photographs or take photos of your own. (Here, there is no problem with copyright)