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Problems with Filling the Prescription

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you will learn how to communicate with patients in Spanish when there is an issue with their prescription. Specifically, this lesson will cover:
  1. Al Pedir que el Paciente Regrese y Problemas con la Receta (Asking the Patient to Come Back and Problems with the Prescription)

1. Al Pedir que el Paciente Regrese y Problemas con la Receta (Asking the Patient to Come Back and Problems with the Prescription)

Sometimes you will need to explain issues with patients' prescriptions that are preventing you from filling them right away. The following expressions can help you have these more difficult conversations.

English Spanish Pronunciation
Calm down, please. Cálmese, por favor.
kall-may-say, pour fah-bore

I'm speaking with the doctor. Estoy hablando con el/la doctor/a. ace-toy ah-blahn-doe cone ale/la doak-tore/ah
I have to call the doctor. Tengo que llamar al / a la doctor/a. tain-go kay yah-mar all / ah la doak-tore / ah
We don't have this drug. No tenemos esta medicina. no tay-nay-mohs ace-tah may-dee-see-nah
We have to order this drug. Tenemos que pedir esta medicina. tay-nay-mohs kay pay-deer ace-tah may-dee-see-nah
It contains the same ingredients. Contiene los mismos ingredientes. cone-tee-ay-nay lohs mees-mohs een-gray-dee-ain-tace
The order comes in ____. El pedido llega ____. ale pay-dee-doe yay-gah ____
We do not have enough medication to fill your prescription. Nos falta la cantidad total para surtir su receta. nohs fal-tah la kahn-tee-dod toe-tall pa-rah sewer-teer sue ray-say-tah.
We have provided you with (#) pills / tablets to hold you over. Le hemos dado (#) píldoras / tabletas para ahora. lay ay-mohs dah-doe (#) peel / tah-blay-tahs -door-ahs pa-rah ah-oar-ah
The balance will be in on (date). Tendremos el resto (date). tain-dray-mohs ale race-toe (date)
You may pay at that time. Puede pagar entonces. p’way-day pah-garr ain-tone-sace
When would you like to pick-up your prescription? ¿Cuándo quiere recoger su receta? k’wann-doe key-ay-ray ray-koh-hair sue ray-say-tah
The wait is (#) minutes / hours. La espera es (#) minutos / horas. la ace-pay-rah ace (#) mee-noo-tohs / oar-ahs
Can you / Do you want to wait? ¿Puede / Quiere esperar? p'way-day / key-air-ay ace-pay-rahr
Can you wait (#) minutes / hours? ¿Puede usted esperar (#) minutos / horas? p'way-day oo-staid ace-pay-rahr (#) me-noo-tohs / oar-ahs
Can you return in (#) minutes / hours? ¿Puede usted volver en (#) minutos / horas? p'way-day oo-staid bowl-bare ain (#) me-noo-tohs / oar-ahs
Can you return at (time)? ¿Puede usted volver a la(s) (hora)? p'way-day oo-staid bowl-bare ah la(s) (time)
Can you return tomorrow? ¿Puede usted volver mañana? p'way-day oo-staid bowl-bare mahn-yah-nah
You have to call your doctor. Tiene que llamar a su doctor/a. tee-ay-nay kay yah-mar ah sue doak-tore/ah
You have to see your doctor. Tiene que ver a su doctor/a. tee-ay-nay kay bare ah sue doak-tore / ah
There’s only one refill left. Sólo queda un surtido. so-lo kay-da oon sewer-tee-doe
The prescription is not ready. La receta no está lista. la ray-say-tah no ay-stah lee-stah
The prescription is ready La receta está lista. la ray-say-tah ay-stah lee-stah
The prescription will be ready ____. La receta va a estar lista ____. la ray-say-tah bah ah ay-star lee-stah ____.
The prescription is ready for (name). La receta está lista para (name). la ray-say-tah ay-stah lee-stah pa-rah (name)
We will call you as soon as your prescription is ready. Le llamaremos tan pronto como su receta esté lista. lay yah-ma-ray-mohs tahn prone-toe koh-mo sue ray-say-tah ay-stay lee-stah
We will call you as soon as your prescriptions are ready. Le llamaremos tan pronto como sus recetas estén listas. lay yah-ma-ray-mohs tahn prone-toe koh-mo suess ray-say-tahs ay-stain lee-stahs
Do you need the prescription today? ¿Necesita la receta hoy? nay-say-see-tah la ray-say-tah oy
Your prescription has no refills. Su receta no tiene ningún surtido. sue ray-say-tah no tee-ay-nay neen goonsewer-tee-doe.
We are contacting your doctor to obtain refill authorization. Llamamos a su doctor para obtener el permiso de (re)surtirla. yah-mah-mohs ah sue doke-tore pa-rah oab-tay-nair ale pair-me-so day (ray)sewer-teer-la.
This prescription (medicine) won’t have an (adverse) interaction with your/his/her other prescriptions (medicines). Esta receta (medicina) no va a tener ninguna interacción adversa con sus otras recetas (medicinas). ace-tah ray-say-tah (may-dee-see-nah) no bah ah tay-nair neen-goo-nah een-tair-ahk-see-own ahd-bare-sah cone seuss oh-trahs ray-say-tahs (may-dee-see-nahs)
This prescription (medicine) may have an (adverse) interaction with your/his/her other prescriptions (medicines). Esta receta (medicina) puede tener una interacción adversa con sus otras recetas (medicinas). ace-tah ray-say-tah (may-dee-see-nah) p'way-day tay-nair oo-nah een-tair-ahk-see-own ahd-bare-sah cone seuss oh-trahs ray-say-tahs (may-dee-see-nahs)
We are contacting your doctor for further instructions. Llamamos a su doctor para más instrucciones. yah-mah-mohs ah sue doke-tore pa-rah mahs een-strook-see-oh-nace

In this lesson, you learned how to ask patients to come back or communicate problems with their prescriptions in Spanish. These expressions can be used to have problem-solving conversations regarding patients' needs.

¡Buena suerte!


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Source: This content has been adapted from "Pharmacy Spanish" by Stephanie Langston.