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Professional Teacher Standards and Professional Development Plans

Author: Jody Waltman
Video Transcript

Notes on "Professional Teacher Standards and Professional Development Plans"

(00:00 - 00:46) Introduction

(00:47 - 01:40) Professional Teacher Standards and PD

(01:41 - 02:41) InTASC Model Core Teacher Standards

(02:42 - 03:08) National Board Teacher Standards

(03:09 - 03:52) Danielson Framework

(03:53 - 04:54) Marzano's Teacher Evaluation Model

(04:55 - 05:31) ISTE Teacher Standards

(05:32 - 08:57) Application

(08:58 - 09:50) Stop and Reflect

Additional Resources

Standards for Professional Learning

These standards are research-based, and are effective resources for supporting teaching and learning.

InTASC Learning Progressions for Teachers 1.0: A Resource for Ongoing Teacher Development (2013)

These progressions use the InTASC professional learning standards to guide professional development decisions.