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Professionalism Observe & Analyze

Author: Essential Skills

In any workplace there will be tasks you need to accomplish to perform your job correctly, like rolling out company-wide changes or releasing information to the public. To accomplish these tasks efficiently and effectively, you have to be able to communicate what needs to be done, when it needs to happen, and who needs to do it. These three questions will help you determine the scope of any project or task you face so you can make a plan to complete it successfully. Once you have such a plan in place, you can use your communication skill to share that information with others to help you reach your goal.

What needs to be done?
Determine what tasks need to be done to accomplish a goal.
When does it need to happen?
Decide the order of tasks and when they need to be completed (by setting deadlines, for example).
Who will do it?
Decide who should complete which tasks. This is the last stage before you communicate and execute your plan. 

Watch the following video clip of a staff meeting at _______. Dissect what is happening among the team using the three questions.

think about it
What are the nonverbal cues you observe in this clip?
 Are participants showing professionalism in how they communicate? Why or why not?
 Could you identify any meeting norms / best practices?

Insert Tips for Communicating Your Plan PDF (Be Confident - Set Clear Expectations - Keep an Open Dialogue - Recap Project Goals - Choose the Best Channel - Strike the Right Tone)