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Properties of Numbers

Author: Parmanand Jagnandan

The Rule of Equality

This video introduces the Rule of Equality and gives examples on how to use it.

Source: Ms. Hess

Zero Property of Multiplication

This video introduces the zero property of multiplication.

Source: Kevin Kriescher

Addition Property of Equality

This video introduces the addition property of equality.

Source: Kevin Kriescher

Multiplication Property of Equality

This video introduces the multiplication property of equality.

Source: Kevin Kriescher

Property of Symmetry

This video introduces the Property of Symmetry and gives examples on how to use it.

Source: Ms. Hess

The Associative Property

This video introduces the Associative Property and demonstrates how to use it.

Source: Ms. Hess

Commutative Property of Addition

This video introduces the commutative property of addition and demonstrates how it is used.

Source: Ms. Hess

Commutative Property of Multiplication

This video introduces the commutative property of multiplication.

Source: Kevin Kriescher