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Protista and Fungi

Author: Jessica Libby


Protist can be organized into three different categories. Plant-like (algae-like) all do photosynthesis and have chlorophyll a. This includes green algae (volvox, ulva), yellow algae (diatoms), brown algae (seaweed, kelp) and red algae. Animal-like protist are called protozoa and are heterotrophs. This includes ciliates (paramecium), flagellates (dinoflagellates cause red tides), euglenoids, rhizopods (amoemba) and sporozoa (plasmodium cause malaria). Fungus-like protist for spores or filaments like fungus. They include slime molds (yellowish ooze appearance) and water molds.


Mycorrihizae are a mutualistic relationship involving a fungus and a plant. The fungus grows on the plant roots and helps in bring in water and nutrients from the soil and the plant gives it sugar from photosynthesis. Lichen are a mutualistic relationship between a fungus and algae. The fungus gives it water and protects it while the algae gives it sugar from photosynthesis.