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Pythagorean Theorem

Author: Tyler McClure

Pythagorean Theorem resources

8G. 7. Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to determine unknown side lengths in right triangles in real-world and mathematical problems in two and three dimensions.

Objective: Students will be able to identify the different parts of the Pythagorean theorem in relation to a right triangle and solve for missing lengths with the aid internet resources.


Relating football to Pythagorean Theorem

This video really puts into perspective how football can relate to mathematics through a simple equation. Pay attention to what the video explains about how the Pythagorean Theorem can be used to solve how far the minimal distance is to reach the player desired is.

Basics about the Pythagorean Theorem

After proving that the Pythagorean Theorem is an accurate equation you should be aware and commit to memory the theorem. The Theorem states that a2 + b2 = c2. Simply that both legs creating a right angle (a and b) give the most minimal distance to travel from their other two end points, called the hypotenuse. Follow this link to review the rules of the Pythagorean Theorem.

The "Big Question!"

On a separate sheet of paper to turn in in person do the following problem.

Player A is running straight vertically for 32 yards and is horizontally separated from Player B by 22 yards. What is the minimal amount of distance (leg C) Player B needs to travel to reach Player A at 32 yards? (hint: use Pythagorean Theorem) Also prove once answer is found (leg C) that the triangle with sides a, b, and c, is a right triangle. Use any or all resources provided to obtain results.