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Quadratic Formula

Author: Laura Kniffin


Before you watch this video you may want to review these terms:


Polynomials - sums of variable and exponent expressions.

Quadratic Equation- a polynomial equation of the second degree.   ax2 + bx + c

Variables- any entity that can take on different values. Usually represented by a letter.

Coefficients- a multiplicative factor in some term of an expression (or of a series). It is usually a number.

Let's Do Math!

The exciting gameshow where contestants solve polynomials using factoring and the quadratic formula!

Samsam's Final Answer Explained

The steps Samsam took to correctly answer the final question!

Examples to Try!

1.) y= x2 + 4x + 4


2.) y= -10x2 - 9x + 1


3.) y= -9x2 - 9x + 6


** Be sure to try these yourself before looking at the answers in the next section**

Answers to the examples!

1.) x = -2


2.) x = -1 and x = 1/10


3.) x = (3±sqrt(33))/ -6