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¿Qué nos traerá el futuro? RealidadesIII Capítulo 6

Author: Eileen Kriechbaum

Cognates Power Point

With over 4000 words that have similarities in English and Spanish, a new power point to illustrate this point is needed

Source: unknown at this time

Highlights/vocabulary/verb & grammar summary Chapt 6 Realidades III

A slide show that encapulates all of Chapter 6

Source: Prenticehall Realidades III

Alabaré Song that helps teach the future tense ( religious in nature)

Source: unknown at this time

Simple future tense Power point

How to form the future tense in Spanish

Future Irregular forms Power point

Irregular forms of future tense

¿Qué pasará? Pictures that you show the students, they figure out what happened.

PDF file full of funny pictures used to create situations in which the future tense can be used.



Chapter 6B vocabulary Power point

Power point with emphasis on 6B vocabulary

Source: unknown at this time

Projects from 2012 Stories- Caleb Sevier

Source: Caleb Sevier class of 2012