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Read, write & analyze poetry (Haiku and free verse poetry)

Author: Kristina Jacobs

Poetry vocabulary

Poetry- Poetry is a style of writing characterized by its short form and its condensed use of words. There are many different styles of poetry. Some types of poetry use only words with no punctuation. Other types of poetry use the rhythm created by reading words aloud or rhyme to give a tempo and beat to the poem as it is read. When most people think of poetry they think of rhyming poetry, but not all poetry has to rhyme.

Free verse- Free verse is a style of poetry that does not follow a set pattern of rhyme or rhythm. Many poems written in free verse do not use complete punctuation, though some do use complete sentences. In free verse, the division of verses is entirely up to the poem's author. Verses can be any length and are usually divided according to completing a thought or an image. Sometimes the verse may be divided to create an effect when the poem is read, such as emphasizing a section of the poem, or a particular word.

Haiku- Haiku is a stylized form of Japanese poetry that uses the syllables in words to control each line. The form for writing a Haiku requires 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second and 5 in the third. Sometimes several Haiku are put together to make longer compositions. Haiku is often written about nature. Haiku doesn't rhyme.

How to write free verse poetry and free verse poetry examples

Remember: Free verse poetry is the easiest form of poetry for a beginner to write. Free Verse poetry does not rhyme and it uses minimal punctuation. The spacing of the verse and the number of verses and the topic is all up to you!

Free verse poetry examples

Nature's Power

White eddies


Warm golden light

Dancing merrily

Crackling conversations

Softly overhead

Sharp pitch, its acrid scent

Announcing winter


Slow, steady drops


Tiny glass

thought cubes

tumbling down


Some shatter

with heart-stopping


bursts of light

within my mind.

Others lie

still and dark,

pools of black


and I feel

their hunger.

Source: Kristina Blasen

How to write Haiku & Haiku examples

Remember: Haiku follow a pattern of syllables. There are three lines. The first line has 5 syllables, the second has 7 and the last has 5. The theme is usually about nature. Titles are usually only one or two words.



by Kristina Blasen


Falling sky pieces

cold electric rain tumbling down

clouds part with a sigh

The Rose

by Donna Brock


The red blossom bends

and drips its dew to the ground.

Like a tear it falls

Tips to Read and Analyze Poetry

Tips for Reading and Analyzing Poetry

Source: Kristina Blasen